Saturday, December 3, 2011

X-mas Cards

Today we took Wallace to see Santa at Petsmart. He met a couple of dogs in line. One was a chiweenie (Lola) and the other was a Boston Terrier (Buster). The Chiweenie people were a little snooty- so I didn't talk to them -They complained that the pictures weren't good quality (first off: the photo cost $12.99 and $5 goes to animals in need, so what are they complaining about?!?!) I  really felt for the workers- having to bust their butts and all and to be treated like crap! UGHH! 

The Boston terrier sat well for santa. Afterward he ran up to Wally to barked at him (playfully)!  His owner picked him up and said sorry to us and with a stern voice: SOMEONE'S NOT IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! She was pretty serious when she said this to Buster..I tried not to laugh =D Haha

When it was our turn I was worried Wallace wouldn't get a good pic like the others- since he's a squirmer. BUT they got it with the 2nd shot! He actually looked right at the camera too! When we got home I went on the Computer & Scanned the pic-then bought Xmas cards from Shutterfly. Has anyone gotten anything from this stie? I got excited about all the options so I made two. The minimum prints I could buy was 12! UGHH So now I have 24 postcard. I have a small family- only sending out 7 cards out...WOW was this over kill! But to my defense: How can you beat 83 cents a card! I mean come on! :) HAHA They should be getting here in 7 days, so I'll make sure to upload them so you can see them! 

This is really off topic but I found this really funny video, so here it is:

1 comment:

Katy said...

I can't wait to see Wallace's pics! It sounds like he was the best boy at Petsmart. :) I ordered our Christmas cards from Shutterfly, too. {}

That video is hilarious! I can't imagine being that uninhibited.

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